Sunday, March 29, 2009

Coop's Trip to the Real Zoo

So last weekend Grandma Gloria came up and we went to the zoo. It was a beautiful seventy degree day and we had a lot of fun; but truthfully, I think Cooper liked his indoor zoo just as well as the real thing.

Cooper and I were both sick (still are) suffering from our second bug in three weeks of day care. He really liked the lions, but most of the animals were too far away for him to see. He did enjoy honking the horn on his stroller, looking at all the kids, and pulling off his socks on random trails so we would have to track our way back to find them.

Here are a few pics to chronicle our adventure:

Grandma is trying to choke Cooper for his naughtiness with the sock displacement.

Here's Cooper and his mom making the zoo rounds while sneezing snot rockets every few minutes.

And here is Cooper waiting to get into the zoo-honk, honk people-out of my way!!
Cooper was a little disappointed-all week I told him he would get to see an elephant, and when we got to the zoo, there was NO elephant! We felt cheated!!!


gramma said...

I was NOT choking Cooper. I was merely re-positioning his head for the photo!

shawnae said...

Cooper can come to my house this sunday (I am having the easter party a week early) and see a whole herd of elephants cause me, Rosie, Katie, Mandy,Kenze and Mistie will all be there!!!!