Friday, January 23, 2009

Cooper's New Best Friend

So Cooper is fascinated by the dogs and they in turn are very patient with him. He loves to grab them and touch them, much to my chagrin, since his hands inevitably then make their way to his mouth after these encounters (one doesn't have a washcloth handy every minute you know) . I was lucky enough to witness first hand their communication. Let's watch such an encounter...

Cooper: "YOU! YOU MY DOG!!!"

Cooper: "Give. Me. HAND!!! (I am assuming Cooper could theoretically know HAND, but I am positive this conversation would not contain PAW).

Chloe: "Slow down little buddy or I will have to hump your head."


Anonymous said...

Cooper's finally giving a little pay-back for all the times Clyde and Chloe have stepped on him!