It seems more than amazing that just a few months ago he was sitting on my kidneys and giving me daily heartburn. And now here he is! He has come so far in such a little amount of time. He rolls from back to front and front to back, but sometimes still gets stuck on his belly and gets mad. He has found his thumb (in addition to his entire fist) and loves to suck on it, but never a disgusting binky (they make him gag). He tries to lean up constantly if placed on his back and he can (kind of) sit up. Ok, he mostly topples to one side or the other but sometimes if he is positioned just right he can sit there. When he doesn’t like something he snorts at it and he loves to grab things (such as his dad’s glasses). He laughs at everything and has the best chuckle in the world. Especially if he is just a little tired, then everything is HILARIOUS. He loves Horton Hears a Who, but still can’t decide if he likes the dogs. He also has a laugh/cry when he just can’t decide which emotion might get the most attention. He has given up repeating sounds we make, but he has his own dialect and when you ask him something, he will tell you in his own words what he thinks.
All in all, it has been a wonderful and amazing journey and I feel blessed to be on it. Thanks little man for picking us as your parents, we are looking forward to every new day with you.
While we try to teach our children all about life,