Grandma and Toni came up last weekend so we decided to head to The Place Where Paychecks go to Die (hereafter known as The Mall) and try out Cooper's gigantic, offroad stroller (hereafter known as The Tank).
I have to tell you Cooper had a blast. He got to look at people, slept, gnawed on things and we literally shopped until we dropped. We actually had to remove Cooper from The Tank at one point so we could use that space as a bag carrier. Cooper was such a good sport too, he didn't even mind that we didn't feed him for quite a long time (although he did start making sad little sucking sounds).
The best part was when I took The Tank and the bags out to the car before lunch. I had to go up and down six (count em) rows pushing The Tank and dragging twenty-five bags looking for the car while a stream of cars followed behind me thinking they would get a parking spot. Ha! Sorry Suckas!!
Whew! At least we are done with shopping. And Cooper loved The Mall. I really think I will have to take him there more often (for his benefit, of course). And a big thanks to Jamie and Lisa for The Tank. I think we are going to have a lot of fun in that thing.
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