Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wee! We're Going to Hawaii!!

Ok, not really.
But it sounds so much better than where I really am. Which is at work away from my little Hula Hubba. Brandon is officially on baby patrol for awhile. And I am only working four days a week so hopefully that will work out ok for all of us. Too bad that whole winning the lottery thing didn't work out while I was off. Let's just cross our fingers that I don't have horrible separation anxiety and go into convulsions, shall we?
And what is with the Hawaiian getup you ask? Well Coop is growing so fast we had to wear it before it is winter and he would look ridiculous in such an outfit (ever the fashionista that Cooper).


shawnae said...

That "were going to Hawaii" comment scared me....but Coop would look great on the Island!