Last weekend we had Cooper blessed and he looked adorable in his little outfit. I also had to go back to work on Thursday and it went really well (especially since I didn't work on Friday). And not that I wanted Brandon to fail or anything, but I was surprised by how much I wasn't needed. Instead of coming home to a house looking like a tornado and a dirty, crying baby still in his pjs; I came home to a clean house, a very happy and well fed baby (he took a bottle!!) who was dressed in a stylin' color-coordinated get up. Of course Brandon looked a little worse for the wear, but I was amazed at how much better of a job Brandon did on his first day compared to some of mine.
I feel blessed that we were able to time this whole thing so that Brandon is able to stay home with him for a few months. It makes me feel much better leaving Cooper with his papa rather than someone else. Plus he LOVES his daddy and thinks he is the funniest thing ever.
Cooper is also reaching that stage where he is really fun, he laughs and giggles at everything. Especially at 5:00 in the morning when he likes to get up. He is also taking a bigger interest in everything and he is learning how to hit some of his toys on his bouncer to make them spin. I just can't wait to see what he is going to be doing next week!
I'm glad that all went well with Brandon and Coop....have to admit that I was a bit concerned, however Jeff said if I didnt have this to worry about I would just find something else.
Thanks for the concern. I was really amazed since he was such a stinker for me. I am exactly the same way, I always need something to worry about. But I guess we'll have to find something new (I have chosen to focus on the economy)since that is extremely dismally rewarding for a worrier.
I prefer people...anyone will do, just give me a person and I'll provide the worry!!!
It's true.... She drives us all nuts with it... :)
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