Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reunion Time

Last weekend was our annual Durfee-Brackenbury reunion and it was a busy time. Friday Cooper threw up on me (twice). It was a little ironic since I packed multiple outfits for him, but not so many for myself! It was also freezing cold, even in the trailer that Cooper and I commandeered from my parents. And Saturday he exploded in my cousin Rhonda's baby's walker! Then he woke up screaming at midnight and as I stood up to turn on the light he dove past me out of the bed and onto the floor! EEK! Then he screamed for two hours (I promise not because he fell out of the bed) but because his teeth were bugging him and he was really stuffed up.

But we really did have a great time. It was super fun to see everyone and we had a huge crop of new babies, so that was exciting. We had horseshoes, kids games, finger painting, face painting, a dismal craft project that I put on, an excellent talent show, and our ever popular auction. It was a fun weekend, but I am still tired from it!

Cooper getting a little crazy with sponge painting

Eating his ever handy snackins with cool sunscreen hair

Gloria and Dick and their respective mean and fat dogs

Cousin Vicki, or a crazy hillbilly (or both??)

Durfee girls doing a little ditty


shawnae said...

Is that my fat husband standing behind Dick and Gloria? Is that my fat brother standing behind hillbilly Vicki?????

Gina, Brandon, and Cooper said...

yes and yes

Mistie said...

Oh my god! Dick's dog!