Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Yost Christmas Party

Dick had fun yelling at all the kids to be careful and parents to watch their kids. Oh, if we didn't have Uncle Dick to point out all the options for potential death and maiming, how could we possibly survive??

Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 1:27 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
More Burley Fun
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Avery and Cooper Hang Out
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 7:57 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Coop's Cow
Here is Cooper's cow at the Pumpkin Patch, I just loved the look on his face.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Millions of Pumpkins, Pumpkins for Me!
Last Sunday we took the munchkin to a pumkin patch and he had a blast. He loved the rotten, moldy pumpkins the best and really wanted to stick his fat little fingers in them.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Boo at the Zoo!
Since we couldn't get the swine flu vaccine, we decided the next best idea was to hang out with 20,000 of our closest friends at Boo at the Zoo (so much for our bubble boy). It was super, super fun though. They had everyone in costumes and the kids could trick-or-treat the characters. Don't worry about Cooper eating too much candy, Brandon and I made sure to help him out with most of it (can't be too careful, you know!)
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:26 PM 1 comments
I went to a swine flu clinic and all I got was this lousy picture.
I have really tried to keep my paranoid hypochondria under control with this swine flu crap, but I am a little crazy and it still freaks me out with Cooper. So I have been stressing about getting the vaccine, whether it is safe or might turn everyone into flesh eating zombies a year from now, and then when and how to even get one if I want one.
This morning a couple of my friends and I planned to take our kids to a vaccine clinic. We went an hour early, but there were already about 4000 people in line (many apparently camped out over night) for about 1200 vaccines.
Ok, well I guess we'll keep on with my obsessive compulsive hand sanitizing.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lots of Love
Ok, I promise to take some new pics this weekend and do something interesting so I have something to blog about...
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 7:26 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First Drum Circle
Cooper is just getting more and more grown up. I dropped him off this week at school and instead of crying, he just turned around and waved and said ‘bye-bye.’ I am sad when he cries to see me go, and I am sad when he doesn’t! The next day I figured out why- he has a little friend and he doesn't need me anymore! When I dropped him off, he waved to his friend and ran over and patted him on the shoulder, then he looked at me like, "umm, why are you still here?"
He is talking so much although a lot of it is his own special language. He loves to chase and torment the dogs, especially Chloe since she hates it so much!
We had a good weekend and we took Cooper to the Hyde Park Street Fair so he could join in on his first drum circle.
Here’s Cooper with the big drum with a little help from his dad.
And here is Cooper in the drum circle. The look on his face says it all-he really didn’t know what to make about the whole thing. He did have a funny smile on his face the whole time-he liked it but thought all those grownups banging on things was a little weird.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 2:06 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:01 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Fun Times
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
For all you doubters out there...
To all you doubters out there, my kid really can read. Unfortunately, he has a short attention span; after numerous attempts , this was the best we could get on video. Much like catching Bigfoot or a UFO on tape, catching Cooper reading on video is nearly impossible. Really. I am not making it up. Some day I will have more proof...and someday we will find the Loch Ness monster.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 10:24 PM 1 comments
I had to add this one...
Jer got this super cute picture at the birthday party. He looks so sweet and innocent! Well after we came back from Grandma's he got mad at his dad for fencing him in and he was so upset he held his breath, fell over backwards and passed out! It was the scariest thing ever. Apparently 20% kids do this (Brandon did, so don't blame my genes).
Anyway, I guess we're going to have to work on just keeping him happy and see if we can avoid this little trick.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
365 Days Later

While there are a billion things I love about being Cooper's mom, here are just a few:
- How you scrunch up your nose and snort when you don't want something
- How you throw yourself on the floor and thow a tantrum when you really want something (this won't be cute in another year I am sure)
- Your two dimples on your left cheek, and how they never are both visible at the same time
- Your chuckle-it is the best sound it the world
- How you try to get away when we play 'I'm gonna get you'
- How you squeal every day to go outside
- Your super kissable spot on your chin; I love that spot
- How you're such a happy easy-going baby
- How you always try to do something after I say 'no' (this also is cute now, but I am sure will get a little old soon:)
- How you clap when anyone says, "yea!"
- How you have the best smile in the world
Most of all, I love the fact that I get to be your mom! If you had any say in the matter, thank for picking me!! I am looking forward to the next 365 days and all of our exciting adventures!!

PS-Jody-a big thanks for sharing the pics since I deleted all mine from the birthday party!
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 12:20 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Brandon's Family Reunion
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 7:36 PM 0 comments