Saturday, September 19, 2009


Arrrgh! Me hearties! Ye old scurvy scallywags, today is one of me favorite holidays-International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Celebrated on seven continents and the international space station. So take ye a minute, grab some grog, put down ye pirate plunder-and talk like a pirate!!!

Arrgh! Here is the little Cooper not liking his pirate patch!

And here is the little Cooper really not liking his pirate patch after his mean wench of a mum made him keep it on!


Jerica said...

Shut up COoper and wear it!!! You will enjoy dressing up and I mean it!!! dont make me make you walk the plank.. Thank Gina, I needed to laugh today. That is great!! He looks like he is having fun on ITLAPD. Enjoy

Ry, Katie, Jack and Ella too! said...

Seriously who wouldn't want to be a pirate? What's up with that Cooper? Next time try a little duct tape to get it to stay on longer!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that your Dad is a lot better sport than Cooper. He celebrated ITLAPD by growling arrgh! to the waitress that called him "honey" in the Wayside Cafe.

shawnae said...

Keep making him dress up cause even if he hates it...we adults are entertained!!!!