Since we couldn't get the swine flu vaccine, we decided the next best idea was to hang out with 20,000 of our closest friends at Boo at the Zoo (so much for our bubble boy). It was super, super fun though. They had everyone in costumes and the kids could trick-or-treat the characters. Don't worry about Cooper eating too much candy, Brandon and I made sure to help him out with most of it (can't be too careful, you know!)

Cooper was a little tiger and he had a blast running around roaring at EVERYONE. He loved the animals so much more than the last time we were at the zoo and he really thought the zebra and especially the giraffes were super cool. He even escaped me and ran back to see more of the giraffes. When we went to lunch after, I asked him what his favorite animal at the zoo was and he said, 'erraffe'.

Here we are chumming up to Winnie for some candy (what happened to the honey??)

Cooper stood there for a few minutes practicing saying zebra. He didn't get much further than 'zzz' but he kept trying!

And yesterday he learned to say 'outside' so now he knows what to scream while he is holding on to the door frame trying to kick me.
I'll bet Cooper was amazed to see the animals in his books walking around!
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