We had a great Thanksgiving and went up to Yost for the Christmas party. Cooper had a blast since he got to play 'outside' and he ran all over the place looking at everything. He also loved to get to see his cousins, he loves to see what the big kids are doing.
Here is our cute cousin Taylor and his dad.

The Grinch even paid us a visit, but didn't steal the presents (the kids were happy about that!)

Here is Cooper and his Momma, Nana and Papa.
Dick had fun yelling at all the kids to be careful and parents to watch their kids. Oh, if we didn't have Uncle Dick to point out all the options for potential death and maiming, how could we possibly survive??

Taylor liked his new Grandpa Uncle Dick. I think Dick actually looks more like a bad Santa with all that chest hair!

Katie, I had to steal this picture, it is too funny (thanks!). Here is Cooper playing the role of Randy (Ralphie's little brother in a Christmas Story). His snow suit was so puffy that whenever he slightly leaned over, he toppled over. Here he is face planted in the tree decorations and when I pulled him out he had bird seed stuck in his snotty nose. Nice. But the snow suit was really handy since whenever he fell (which was a lot thanks to the suit) he never got hurt and he couldn't get up so I could always find him face down and waiting semi-patiently for a rescue.

Here is the herd after the decorating. They all seemed to have fun decorating and eating all the animal treats. Good thing bird seed is so nutritious.
I did think it was so funny that Taylor kept coming up to Dick and hugging him calling him grandpa. He wasn't one bit scared.
I love that you leave the Yost post on for so long...however I do miss seeing Cooper updates. Oh and the Christmas card could not have been cuter, thank you for sending us one.
Yost looks like tons of fun. Boy there are getting to be a lot of kids huh? Those Brachs can sure reproduce! I love the comment about Dick needing to warn the world about impaling and maiming, HOW TRUE! I don't think that mankind would have flourished so if it were not for Dick :)
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