Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cold Camping

We went camping with Jamie and Ryan and Jerica and Justin last Saturday thinking that we would be ok to sleep in the Jeep. WRONGO! It was freezing cold and my teeth are still chattering. Here is how Emma, Cooper and Rylee like to camp anyway (watching Madagascar). Umm, yeah. So glad we drive up to the mountains so Coop can experience nature at its finest. And yes, that is a bottle. Cooper plans on having it until he is three. I hope you don't have a problem with that.

On another note, I know what Cooper dreams of...monkeys. He kicked around the other morning and shouted out, "Monkeys!" in his sleep. I tell you the kid likes him some monkeys. And since you are wondering, how on earth did she hear that? That is because Cooper still sleeps with us and plans to until he is at least four. Or maybe we can time that move with the bottle elimination. ha ha.


shawnae said...

I think three is a very fragile age and that Copper should not be subjected to having his bottle ripped from his life at such a time...six might work a little better (that is when Trevor lost his bottle and look how good he turned out) and kicked out of the nest at four...well that is just too cruel for words...have a heart would ya?