Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pojos Party

Saturday we made it to Jamie's little girl Emma's 5th birthday party. I was worried Cooper might have a melt down in Pojos with all the stimuli (Brandon described it as Vegas for kids-lots of neon, noise, and crazy behavior). But he was happily passed from person to person until he ended up with Jamie's mom-in-law Marsha. Cooper happily slept in her arms and she was able to multi-task taking pictures and eating birthday cake.

Marsha is super sweet. Here is the Beatrice Potter quilt that she made for Cooper (it won first place at the Central Idaho Quilters show).


Anonymous said...

Love Marsha's quilt. What happened to the blue ribbon? Dad really wants to know.

shawnae said...

Its now Oct.9th.....we need some news and some pictures!!!!

Mistie said...

You have been tagged sucka!!! Read my blog for the rules. Just do it.