Monday, April 20, 2009

How old is Cooper?

Would you believe I really don’t know? Besides singing ‘Happy Birthday to You’ every Tuesday to commemorate his entrance into this world, I seemed to have at some point messed up his age. This is because I started counting weeks and then started transferring those weeks into months (e.g. 4 weeks = 1 month). I realized that doesn’t work since I was going to make Cooper 9 months old tomorrow and that would mean that he is 12 weeks (3 months) away from his first birthday. Looking at the calendar, I can see there are 16 weeks until his birthday! This must have happened with my transition from weeks to months since there are 52 weeks in a year, but when you turn those into 4 weeks per month, you have 13 months. Sheesh, where is a Mayan calendar when you need one!

So what does this mean??
1. Cooper’s Mom is an E-diot.
2. The good news is that Cooper reached all those developmental milestones earlier, so he is even a bigger genius that we ever imagined.
3. It is good that Cooper is smart since one of us will need to figure out how old he is, and we all know it isn’t going to be me.

So I guess he is 36 weeks (but not 9 months) old tomorrow!


Jerica said...

Yes, counting was never your strong point :)
I would stop with the weeks. Lets just call him almost 1 until he is 1.

Gina, Brandon, and Cooper said...

Good call! Me and numbers just don't mix. Almost 1 it is!

gramma said...

This is my all time favorite Cooper picture...