Wednesday, February 25, 2009

7 Months!

I wanted to list off all the things Cooper is doing as he hits the 7 month mark:
  • He loves to bring his hands together and hit himself in the face.
  • He has been sitting up really well, but if he gets excited (which he often does) he still falls over.
  • He is close to crawling and sticks his bum in the air and does the superman. He especially tries to crawl when we put a water bottle in front of him-he loves him some water bottles.
  • We found out through choking and gagging that Cooper does not like fresh sweet potatoes.
  • He chews on everything, I mean everything. But still no teeth, but he does have a hard spot on his gum that I really think might be a tooth (or at least a really hard gum).
  • He has become very interested in the dogs; what they do, where they go, and he likes to grab them (causing them to shake uncontrollably).
  • He is soooo happy and giggles all the time, the only time he is grumpy is if he is hungry or tired (just like his parents).
  • He rolls over and over and over and can get just about anywhere and he stands up well if you hold him.
  • He loves to blow bubbles and still drools constantly.
  • He loves to play the little piggies on his toes and loves to grab his feet (and pull of his socks and eat them).
  • When he is bored or mad, he doesn't cry-but honks. Brandon says it is just like being on Jeopardy and getting every answer wrong.