Ok, so I have not blogged forever. Then I couldn’t update my blog since I was so far behind, it seemed insurmountable. Then I finally decided that I will just start now and if I have a chance to update the summer and fall, I will and if not-oh well.
So Fall has been full of fun. Cooper is getting so big, says all sorts of funny things and is a total crack up. He has this play set (Gorilla Mountain) that he requires everyone to play with him daily for a minimum of three hours. His people all have fun names-Sharky, Patch and Kip and they love to FIGHT. I always ask why they can’t play nice, but apparently that is not possible. He has another play set at Nana’s house and there his big burly men are named Cassie and Shawna in honor of the directors of his school.
Here is Cooper playing Gorilla Mountain with his cousin Holden.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Gorilla Mountain
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
We have had a fun time at Nana's house for Thanksgiving and Cooper has forsaken me completely for his favorite person Nana (aka Daphne to his Scooby-Doo). She let him sled all the way down the hill and she said he squealed like a little girl. I missed it since I was napping. I have been pretty out of it for a few days with a horrible cold and killer sore throat. I hate to be sick on the holidays.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Scooby-Doo Where are You?
We had so many activities planned for Halloween. The Thursday before Halloween, Cooper picked out a pirate pattern for his pumpkin and I spent the next three and a half hours carving it for him while he kept trying to help and grab my sharp knives. He tried to help by cleaning out the pumpkin, but it grossed him out too much. For someone who likes to touch his own poo, the kid is meticulous about having his hands clean (poo excluded!).
We went to my work and trick-or-treated on Friday and then Saturday we did the Boo at the Zoo (us and 5,000 of our closest friends) and Brandon and I dressed up as Shaggy and Velma to accessorize Cooper. Later we went to the Philharmonster concert put on by the Boise Philharmonic. It was fun, but Cooper got scared from the scary music and we had to leave early. He was the only kid out of a 100 to freak out over the music, but I think it is a sign of his immense intelligence that he recognized it as scary music.
Cooper also got a Happy Meal in between all of our Saturday Halloween events and when I ask him later what the highlight of his day was, the Happy Meal was it. I guess we don’t really have to try that hard to entertain him.
Nana came up on Halloween and by then we were all too wore out to go trick-or-treating, so we handed out candy instead. Cooper dressed up as a dragon and roared at all the kids that came to visit. Then he would throw himself on the floor and cry when they left (he wanted them all to stay and play).
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Cooper Drives A TOO TOO TAIN
Here is the train video. Cooper loves to watch himself driving the train:
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Hagerman Fossil Days!
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Alligators?! Ummm, maybe.
We went to Miracle Hot Springs to see the alligators over Memorial Weekend. They really weren't very exciting. There is two in the picture if you can see them (kind of like Where's Waldo). I am not sure if Cooper saw them at all, but he loves to talk about the monkeys sitting in the tree and the alligator that came a long and.... (cue Cooper screeching SNAP! and snapping his arms as an alligator jaw.)
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
Memorial Day and ROCKS!
Cooper got to go to Almo and he helped decorate graves. I use 'help' loosely unless by helping you mean stealing flowers, throwing rocks (sometimes off graves), and pile-driving Morgan's new puppy. If that is helpful, then yes, Cooper helped a ton:)
One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh no," I said, "Disneyland burned down."He cried and cried, but I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late.
And another of my favorites:
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is, "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is, "Probably because of something you did."
P.S. Mommy, I love your stories. And you can scare me anytime and I will love it. And you can tell me anything and I will believe it (still!) because you are my beautiful, wonderful mama.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:55 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Feeding the Giraffe
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 2:51 PM 1 comments
An oldie
So I just found this video, I think it was around last Oct/Nov. so Cooper would have aroun 14-15 months. He was so smart! And don't mind my messy house, I moved. ha ha...Now I have a new messy house.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Cold Camping
On another note, I know what Cooper dreams of...monkeys. He kicked around the other morning and shouted out, "Monkeys!" in his sleep. I tell you the kid likes him some monkeys. And since you are wondering, how on earth did she hear that? That is because Cooper still sleeps with us and plans to until he is at least four. Or maybe we can time that move with the bottle elimination. ha ha.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 7:19 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter was Here
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Ode to Cooper at 20 Months
Your awesomeness knows no bounds. Even as you dig in my plant (and deposit dirt on my floor), or throw yourself down and spin and kick (when I tell you no, or even just try to help you do something), or even when you are really mad and take a run and bite my thigh leaving a nasty red mark that will last a week. No, you are still beyond awesome. Your laugh is infectious. My ability to recognize what you are doing before you do it (by the giggle of your laugh and the gait of your step-you will be throwing something down the stairs...soon) is uncanny. I love your ability to name animals. Not just a few. You know lions, tigers, bears, elephants, hippos, penguins, lizards, etc. etc. whales (specifically orcas, they are the best whale...), dolphins, jellyfish (thank you spongebob), toucans, parrots (yes, you know the difference), monkeys and gorillas, and of course all the regular everyday ones plus all the various sounds that they make. I love that your favorite toy is a book, and I try to keep you well supplied, even as you rip apart the pages. And ROCKS. I love it when you categorize them by size (big and little). I love that you LOVE Madagascar. Even though I, like you, can recite most of that movie by heart. I am even starting to love Dora. It makes me feel just a little smarter when I know the answers (yes, they are easy, but everyone loves to be right sometimes). I love it when you hiss like a cat (we have been practicing that practical skill) and I love it when I ask you how old you are and you say six. Even though we have talked about this (several times) and you aren't even two. I love it when you screetch 'Brandon', just like I do. Basically, I love you. You are amazing and you are my best friend. Thank you for being you little guy. You Rock.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
For my birthday Nana came up and we went to the zoo. Cooper loved it. He ran the whole way and loved looking at all the animals. I could really see how big he is getting when he got on the little tiger. This thing is our main growth chart.
Cooper LOVED the monkeys! We had to go back twice to see them and when I askd him days later what he liked at the zoo he kept saying, "MONKEYS!"
Cooper was so happy his Nana and Papa came up. I told him they were coming for a couple of days so he woke up asking for his Nana and Papa.
My favorite part of the whole adventure was Cooper and the fake penguins. He wasn't that impressed with the real ones. But we had to hang out with the fake ones for quite awhile, just you know, talking about whatever penguins talk about (fish maybe?)
When I told Cooper we had to leave the penguins he had to kiss all of them goodbye (and there were a lot!).
Then he had to make the loop and kiss them all goodbye one more time. It was cute except I had to wonder how many germs were touching his lips. Oh well, it definately wasn't the grossest thing that got close to his mouth that week.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 6:22 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My Little Cookie Monster
Anyway, the place is starting to feel like home and look a heck of a lot better too. And Brandon is so wonderful, he has been busy tiling and remodeling things. Thanks goodness for his killer crafty skills.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 8:33 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
We've Been Missing!
So I haven't posted in a long time. But I have a good excuse! We got our house sold so we have been busy packing everything, gathering all of our loan documents (what a pain!!) and most important...shopping for the new house!! Brandon and I are getting a couple of leather chairs for the family room and there was a super cute little chair that was perfect for Cooper but it was $150 dollars, so I was sad because that is just way, way too much for a baby chair. So then we went back to the store a couple of days later and they marked down the chair to $29! So here is Coop big pimpin' in his leather chair.
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 7:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Christmas Pics
Posted by Gina, Brandon, and Cooper at 6:46 PM 1 comments